Recent content by Blondie

  1. Blondie

    How the Elite rigged Society (and why it’s falling apart) | David Brooks

    I just read Schumer fucking remarks .. what a COWARD. I am done .. this country is over and there is no use even discussing this shit anymore. I literally don't care about life anymore
  2. Blondie

    How the Elite rigged Society (and why it’s falling apart) | David Brooks

    HI T&C from the zone, you are an awful person, and you should be banned.
  3. Blondie

    How the Elite rigged Society (and why it’s falling apart) | David Brooks

    I am angry .. I am very angry. I just have to see what happens today. If the EIGHT Dems give them what they want, then it's over. Until that vote happens, I have to stay hopeful.
  4. Blondie

    How the Elite rigged Society (and why it’s falling apart) | David Brooks

    No it doesn't, I have to stay positive. I have to find the positives out of this, and right now all WE have is the Democrats voting NO on the republican bill.
  5. Blondie

    How the Elite rigged Society (and why it’s falling apart) | David Brooks

    I was always good at that game... we have bananas too, and we aren't afraid to use them. Yes, we have a caste system within our society, and we will always have it, but I stand firm in that we need more elites to STAND UP TO THE CORRUPT ELITES. Not ALL of them are bad, just like not all poor...
  6. Blondie

    1460 days until next inauguration.

    Lets HOPE the Democrats VOTE NO today!!
  7. Blondie

    How the Elite rigged Society (and why it’s falling apart) | David Brooks

    the elites are always going to expand on their wealth. that isn't going to ever change and or stop. But for those of us who are the middle to upper middle class, we just want to live in peace and enjoy our lives. We NEED the elites to turn on Trump and Musk as they are the ones who are buying...
  8. Blondie

    How the Elite rigged Society (and why it’s falling apart) | David Brooks

    many wars have started because of crisis within the elites, if MORE of them TURN on Trump, we have a better chance ending this shock therapy.
  9. Blondie

    How the Elite rigged Society (and why it’s falling apart) | David Brooks

    Well it’s the elites that have to stand up and speak out, they have just as much to lose as the rest of us. So let’s applaud him.. ok
  10. Blondie

    How the Elite rigged Society (and why it’s falling apart) | David Brooks

    How the Elite rigged Society (and why it’s falling apart) | David Brooks so I have a confession to make I'm a 0:01 member of the educated 0:03 Elite my parents were historians of 0:06 Victorian England our Turtles when I was 0:08 growing up were named Israeli and 0:11 Gladstone the culture in...
  11. Blondie

    Dear MAGA!

    the bowman is T&C from the zone ... just so you know :-)
  12. Blondie

    1460 days until next inauguration.

    we aren't gonna make it the Republicans have no spine ..
  13. Blondie

    Dear MAGA!

    I like it when I pass your tests. :)
  14. Blondie

    Dear MAGA!

    I don't think these guys care about collateral damage, its like war for them, and they go in knowing not everyone is gonna make it out.
  15. Blondie

    Space X Go Boom

    Definitely more fitting