Recent content by coastal

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    What's Cooking??

    Hipster glam farmers in CT think they’re pets
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    What's Cooking??

    Picked up a goat shoulder… going to braise with prunes, lemons, and red wine
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    Firefighters battle blaze overnight at Mulligan's Brick Bar on Allen Street

    The pink and then this… heartbreaking too be honest
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    Man charged with setting Old Pink on fire

    I was there weeks before this douche torched what was on my short list meanimgful places I spent my HS and college years in the 716… just an epic steak sandwich… and beyond description watering hole. This broke my heart. Still does.
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    Your pet family members

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    I love u and am totally interested in pear wood. I’ve been using locally sourced and season cherry wood. One of the great things about where we live is the endless supply of wood.. for heating or cooking. Local Cherry wood bbq is bette than post oak Texas bbq
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    Your pet family members

    we have fox up here too
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    Just teasing my pellet smoking friend ;-)
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    Your pet family members

    We also have wild life fun up here on the regular
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    Your pet family members

    Arya is a cunt caker… here’s the bitch when she climbed up the roof…
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    Your pet family members

    We have two cunt cats too… Arya and Sansa. Here’s Arya…
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    Sorry dude… electric and pellet smokers is not bbq. So disappointed in you