It is actually. The erasure happening here is for historical contributions of women, black people, and trans people.
Hell, the other day I saw that a website photo caption about a famous gay and trans rights activist literally had been lazily changed from "fought tirelessly for gay and trans rights" to "fought tirelessly for gay and rights"
Correct, Turkey, the US during Indian Removal and Slavery, Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Australia, Great Britain, France, Russia/Soviet Union, Ukraine, Iraq, Belgium and its Congo, Israel etc, the erasure NEVER starts with mass murder but with what Michel Foucault would call the otherization aka dehumanizing agitprop.
The Einsatzgruppen and death camps were still years away when Nazi propaganda artists pumped out Eternal Jew and Jud Suess, and when they were doing the Nuremberg laws.
Anti Greek, Armenian, etc Genocide in WWI was preceeded by a lengthy agitprop and lawfare campaign. In fact Hitler believed the world wouldn't take notice of his "Final Solution" because nobody denounced the Turks.
The USSR? The purges and mass murder of class enemies, party members, and military were preceeded by extensive propaganda some of which I've seen first hand examples, films such as The Party Card. Placards declaring death to the Kulaks, etc.
Great Britain and France and Belgium. Don't listen to these wogs, n**ers redskins, slant eyes, dusky Indians etc we are here to civilize them. We are forced to brutally crack down on them because as Uppy used to say, "they are primitive savages."
Israel, take a good look at Justasportsfan's posts on Billszone. On second thought, save your sanity and don't. However, you see the demonization of women and children and denial and accusations are accused that they are making fake movies.
Rwanda, they are cockroaches. Kill them.
Our own history, the only good Indian is a dead one. . . .
Never ever do people just go out and killing. Mass propaganda campaigns & lawfare always precede the mass murders. So yes, you and I and anyone who loves human rights should be very alarmed that the contributions of women, racial minorities, lgbtq, and supporters of their rights and human rights in general are being removed.