CTF Partners

Here is the LARGEST SWANKIEST PR Firm that is behind ALL of the right wing propaganda, and they pay young fresh out of college students THOUSANDS to spread propaganda and disinformation.
Yep. I didn't know the names but this goes with my warnings earlier in the year of AI and how it will effect and manipulate people's opinions as it grows and becomes impossible to tell the difference between AI and real life. Lies and facts.

It also goes backward to 2016 and how companies like Cambridge Analytica used bought data from Social Media sites, like FB, to create and exploit personality profiles that were used to determine and manipulate what we see online and how political clients used that information to affect the outcomes of elections.

The MAGA movement is a perfect study on how lies can change an entire political and social culture.

We are passing into a very dark time both nationally and globally and I don't believe we can turn back.

This is why I never wanted to have kids. Twenty years ago I could forsee a grainy image of this coming. Life imitating art. The Matrix a reality. Now that I have kids, I'm terrified of the future they'll have which not recognize my own past in any way.

The only thing Orwell got wrong was the timing and the extent of it all.
Which is why I say, we have to do a better job in these message forums, when we are all "discussing" these articles and information that we are discussing. We can do better.
Which is why I say, we have to do a better job in these message forums, when we are all "discussing" these articles and information that we are discussing. We can do better.
One of the problems is that we're outnumbered. Because WE know the dangers of Social Media-fed false flags and how to brush them off, an epidemic of people infected by those are to willing to believe them and the more grandiose and outrageous, the more apt they are to follow them.

It's the Bigfoot thing. Many people want to believe and many of those people believe every doctored photo, every broken tree branch and every bit of fur in the woods MUST be proof he exists - without any solid evidence. It's why they STILL (@IrishLass ) push the stolen election claims, 4 years later and without solid evidence while ignoring the FACT that every reported incident of cheating was by Trump voters.

We are outnumbered, not by the people on each side but the people affected with confirmation bias and a hunger for anything that satisfies it.
One of the problems is that we're outnumbered. Because WE know the dangers of Social Media-fed false flags and how to brush them off, an epidemic of people infected by those are to willing to believe them and the more grandiose and outrageous, the more apt they are to follow them.

It's the Bigfoot thing. Many people want to believe and many of those people believe every doctored photo, every broken tree branch and every bit of fur in the woods MUST be proof he exists - without any solid evidence. It's why they STILL (@IrishLass ) push the stolen election claims, 4 years later and without solid evidence while ignoring the FACT that every reported incident of cheating was by Trump voters.

We are outnumbered, not by the people on each side but the people affected with confirmation bias and a hunger for anything that satisfies it.
FWIW you're not immune to it either. Before I joined I saw a couple post-mortem threads and somehow you managed to agree with Gibby that Kamala talked about trans people too much, which is insane because she literally never said a word about them the entire campaign.
FWIW you're not immune to it either. Before I joined I saw a couple post-mortem threads and somehow you managed to agree with Gibby that Kamala talked about trans people too much, which is insane because she literally never said a word about them the entire campaign.
The PR campaign for Trump DID. I saw the commercials over and over again up here .. rural American is about to get fucked, and many of the millennial, and sorry to say, but they got it coming to them.
Which is why I say, we have to do a better job in these message forums, when we are all "discussing" these articles and information that we are discussing. We can do better.

You need to censor more and think less.

You need to censor more and think less.
OHHH your new elected President will do enough censoring once Carr is in charge of the FCC, don't you worry. Your algorithms will still be full of your conspiracies so you can continue to be their PR Mercenary. How much are they paying you now??
It's from her first campaign for the presidency.

Her interview with NBC on transgender issues was in October of this year.
It's from her first campaign for the presidency.
That's correct. So when I said she didn't say a word about trans people this time around, I was correct.

The one time she was asked anything she didn't make any affirmative claim about trans rights. All she said was "we should follow the law" which is a chickenshit take from someone who wants to be in a position to affect what is and is not the law.
That's correct. So when I said she didn't say a word about trans people this time around, I was correct.

The one time she was asked anything she didn't make any affirmative claim about trans rights. All she said was "we should follow the law" which is a chickenshit take from someone who wants to be in a position to affect what is and is not the law.

So you're saying giving an NBC interview on the topic means "not saying a word" about it?

No wonder she lost!
If she said more than what I just said she said you'd link it. You didn't, because you know I'm right.
She HAS to deflect.

I wonder how old her sons are and if she will be ok when they get sent to war on behalf of Trump and their cult.

Or will her kids have bone spurs??
She HAS to deflect.

I wonder how old her sons are and if she will be ok when they get sent to war on behalf of Trump and their cult.

Or will her kids have bone spurs??

Trump was one of the few modern presidents to NOT start a war.

On the other hand, Obama droned a whole bunch of innocent people to death. Oops!
