Three days ago, Ukrainian forces deployed along the the Ukrainian/Russian border, opposite the Kursk Oblast, crossed over into Russia.
It's difficult to determine what is going on, as the Ukrainians are tight lipped about things. Russian sources state that the Ukrainians are now 45 Kilometers deep into Russia. That Russian border forces have surrendered in mass, while Chechen Forces have fleed. The piecemeal commitment of Russian forces to the fight, has resulted in their destruction in detail. The Russians have no sense of, or control over, the situation.
It seems that the Ukrainians have commitmented at least four Brigades, with multiple Battalion Battle Groups advancing along roads and railways.
Fighting is currently on going, in the town of Sudzha, a Russian logical supply point. The Ukrainians have also captured the principle natural gas pumping station for Russian gas sales to Europe. It's hard to determine at this point if this attack is just a raid, or a part of something larger.
Apparently, the Russians have stripped their borders, even those opposite of Ukraine, of all available forces. The Russians were relying on Fixed fortifications to stop any Ukrainian incursion. But, these defenses proved to be no obstacle, as Ukrainians blew right through them. In an act of desperation, the Russians have now opted to use close air support and artillery strikes on their on towns and people. But nothing they have done, has slowed down the Ukrainian advance.
For those of you who are familiar with the Russian Front in World War II, I'm sure you will think it strange, to see German Panzers in Kursk again.
It's difficult to determine what is going on, as the Ukrainians are tight lipped about things. Russian sources state that the Ukrainians are now 45 Kilometers deep into Russia. That Russian border forces have surrendered in mass, while Chechen Forces have fleed. The piecemeal commitment of Russian forces to the fight, has resulted in their destruction in detail. The Russians have no sense of, or control over, the situation.
It seems that the Ukrainians have commitmented at least four Brigades, with multiple Battalion Battle Groups advancing along roads and railways.
Fighting is currently on going, in the town of Sudzha, a Russian logical supply point. The Ukrainians have also captured the principle natural gas pumping station for Russian gas sales to Europe. It's hard to determine at this point if this attack is just a raid, or a part of something larger.
Apparently, the Russians have stripped their borders, even those opposite of Ukraine, of all available forces. The Russians were relying on Fixed fortifications to stop any Ukrainian incursion. But, these defenses proved to be no obstacle, as Ukrainians blew right through them. In an act of desperation, the Russians have now opted to use close air support and artillery strikes on their on towns and people. But nothing they have done, has slowed down the Ukrainian advance.
For those of you who are familiar with the Russian Front in World War II, I'm sure you will think it strange, to see German Panzers in Kursk again.