Brady coaching for his job?


New member
After the eagles game, many (including myself) were satisfied enough to declare Brady the OC next year if McD stays. I think after what we saw under Dorsey, any semblance of an nfl offense was a welcome sight so we may have jumped the gun in what Brady was capable of. Now? Well…this offense is a mess. Allen and the receivers are way off…Diggs is a non factor since Brady took over…we are running Murray up the guy on third and 1 instead of letting our hulking qb dive over the top to move the chains, etc.

Could Joe Brady be coaching for his job today this week? I’m not saying he won’t be the guy next year either way, but the job might come open if we lose and miss the playoffs. We have way too much in a franchise qb to be wasting him with ineffective coaching. I’d rather open up the HC position in favor of an offensive mind, but we all know that’s not likely to happen.

What say you?
I wouldnt blame Diggs fall off on Brady. Diggs fails every post season. As far as coaching its anybody's guess what will happen. If the Bills lose against Miami Ive gotta believe token changes will be made. If they lose after that, nothing. Pegula has checked out at this point.
I think Diggs checked out last year. He's been ineffective all year long
Time will tell. Usually when you fire a coordinator you shitcan his underlings at the end of the season. But if he were able to keep or at least interview for his job I wouldn't complain. Hasselhoff
The early part shine has worn off. Teams have started to figure out Brady's style and he is now looking every bit as Dorsey did.

Unless something spectacular happens next week and then come playoff time I think he's cooked.
The early part shine has worn off. Teams have started to figure out Brady's style and he is now looking every bit as Dorsey did.

Unless something spectacular happens next week and then come playoff time I think he's cooked.
One thing we saw a lot less of in both of the last two games was play action. I don’t know why they can be so successful with that and then just completely abandon it. Ken Dorsey was just as guilty.
Well, fans keep wanting to hire a young offensive mind and we had that in Dorsey and Brady. Not sure I want to go through a whole year of Brady yet and obviously Fins game will tell us alot.

Here me out. What is Chan Gailey doing? Might be perfect OC for Allen.
Well, fans keep wanting to hire a young offensive mind and we had that in Dorsey and Brady. Not sure I want to go through a whole year of Brady yet and obviously Fins game will tell us alot.

Hear me out. What is Chan Gailey doing? Might be perfect OC for Allen.
I would be good with Gailey as OC.
Gailey as OC again would be okay if he still has all his faculties.....but holy smokes people easy easy....Brady is in 2-3 months and some are calling him to get fired already?? Geezuz....5-1 since he took over....Give it abit more time yikes.....
Thanks @jpp Lets see what coaching staffs get fired after the season. I would think HCSM would prefer an experienced OC but we shall see. We also need a DC. Obviously HCSM is a very good DC but I would rather he just be the HC.
Thanks @jpp Lets see what coaching staffs get fired after the season. I would think HCSM would prefer an experienced OC but we shall see. We also need a DC. Obviously HCSM is a very good DC but I would rather he just be the HC.
If Brady can catch lightning this week and going into the playoffs like he did against Dallas, Philly and KC, he'll get the job
Sure hope not. Don't want him back, and winning will make it tougher to move on. He's in over his head and the initial love has worn off. What OC would not have his best offensive player on the field, disregarding JA, for series at a time. A special OC would have been able to implement the running game without detracting from the passing game. Joe Brady was the flavor of the week when promoted and really had no one else to turn to. Starting Monday there will be many OC's to turn to eliminating one less option for McDermott to use as a scapegoat next year. Really now, what has Joe Brady done to support maintaining his position?
Sure hope not. Don't want him back, and winning will make it tougher to move on. He's in over his head and the initial love has worn off. What OC would not have his best offensive player on the field, disregarding JA, for series at a time. A special OC would have been able to implement the running game without detracting from the passing game. Joe Brady was the flavor of the week when promoted and really had no one else to turn to. Starting Monday there will be many OC's to turn to eliminating one less option for McDermott to use as a scapegoat next year. Really now, what has Joe Brady done to support maintaining his position?
I think Diggs' issue is on Diggs, not the play calling, He's dropping as many as he catches, he's not getting open and you can see the effort is not there.
I think Diggs' issue is on Diggs, not the play calling, He's dropping as many as he catches, he's not getting open and you can see the effort is not there.
Tough call, what came 1st the chicken or the egg? Imagine being an All-Pro receiver and not being on the field for series at a time during clutch situations. Pretty hard to keep your head in the game when you're not being called upon regardless of any ego.
Tough call, what came 1st the chicken or the egg? Imagine being an All-Pro receiver and not being on the field for series at a time during clutch situations. Pretty hard to keep your head in the game when you're not being called upon regardless of any ego.
Regardless, he gets paid to do a job to support the TEAM. If he takes plays off, he's not doping his job whether he gets every snap or hardly any
Tough call, what came 1st the chicken or the egg? Imagine being an All-Pro receiver and not being on the field for series at a time during clutch situations. Pretty hard to keep your head in the game when you're not being called upon regardless of any ego.
Yesterday Josh Norman said Diggs is taking himself out of the game more than usual so it is not on Brady.