Canadian Journalist Exposes Media Lies During Covid


Glad she's having a little remorse.

Former CBC Journalist: We BETRAYED THE PUBLIC. We Broke Their Trust."

“We were quickly shutting down one side of the debate and this is how we were doing that : (1) We branded the experts the CBC chose as ‘competent’ and ‘trustworthy’ (2) Those who challenged the narrative were portrayed as dangerous and spreading ‘disinformation’, it doesn’t matter what their specialty or experience was”

“I had witnessed in a very short time the COLLAPSE of journalism, news gathering and investigative reporting to push PROPAGANDA”
Glad she's having a little remorse.

Former CBC Journalist: We BETRAYED THE PUBLIC. We Broke Their Trust."

“We were quickly shutting down one side of the debate and this is how we were doing that : (1) We branded the experts the CBC chose as ‘competent’ and ‘trustworthy’ (2) Those who challenged the narrative were portrayed as dangerous and spreading ‘disinformation’, it doesn’t matter what their specialty or experience was”

“I had witnessed in a very short time the COLLAPSE of journalism, news gathering and investigative reporting to push PROPAGANDA”
Does 98% survival rate only mean once or does that number go up every time people survive it more than once?
The only thing I literally found criminal is that several senatewhores on the intel committee used their membership on that committee to do insider trading and not one of them (Republican or Democrat) was ever fucking held accountable. Frankly, I see both sides of the vax argument and have been on both sides of it.
The only thing I literally found criminal is that several senatewhores on the intel committee used their membership on that committee to do insider trading and not one of them (Republican or Democrat) was ever fucking held accountable. Frankly, I see both sides of the vax argument and have been on both sides of it.
Look up why so many people in IL have Pritzker Sucks signs in their yards