Jeffrey Epstein list: What to expect from court filings unsealed in New York


Staff member

A long list of people associated with the late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein are expected to be made public in the coming days.

The disclosures may throw new light on the sex trafficking network directed by Epstein, who died in 2019, and his associate Ghislaine Maxwell.

The disgraced millionaire mixed with high-profile figures from the worlds of politics, business and royalty.

A judge ordered the court documents in a lawsuit linked to Maxwell must be unsealed.

There are 187 mentions of "J Doe" in the court papers, and many of these will now be given their real names.

Why are these names being made public?​

The identities are being revealed under a settled lawsuit against Maxwell, the daughter of a British media tycoon.

She is serving a 20-year prison term for the crimes she committed with Epstein.

The defamation lawsuit was brought by Virginia Giuffre, one of Maxwell's accusers, and at the time the names were kept secret under a court-ordered seal.

But last month a judge in New York ruled these could now come to light.

What did the judge say about the names?​

Judge Loretta Preska noted that many of the individuals named in the lawsuit have already been publicly identified by the media or in Maxwell's criminal trial.

She added that many others "did not raise an objection" to the release of the documents.

Some of the names on the list will remain sealed, including those belonging to child victims, the judge said in her ruling.

And some individuals may have appeared more than once under different Doe numbers, so the exact number of names to emerge is unknown.

Holly Baltz, investigations editor at the Palm Beach Post, told CNN on Tuesday that new details may be revealed.

Even if the names on the list turn out to be already known, she said, new light may be shed on the exact nature of their relationship with Epstein and Maxwell.

Whose names may be on the Epstein list?​

They will be a mixture of people accused of wrongdoing, people making these accusations, and others who were potential witnesses to crimes.

There could be employees of Epstein or people who visited his home or went on his private plane.

Prince Andrew is expected to be on the list. The court filings include 40 documents of evidence from a woman who has made accusations against the prince.

Johanna Sjoberg claimed Prince Andrew groped her breast while sitting on a couch inside Epstein's Manhattan apartment in 2001.

Buckingham Palace has previously said the allegations are "categorically untrue".

Last year, the prince paid millions to Ms Giuffre to settle a lawsuit she filed claiming that he sexually abused her when she was 17 years old.

He said he had never met Ms Giuffre and denied her allegations.

Why is Bill Clinton on the Epstein list?​

The former US president is mentioned more than 50 times in the court documents, according to ABC News. But there is no implication of any illegality.

He travelled on Epstein's plane on humanitarian trips to Africa in the early 2000s and at the time praised Epstein as a committed philanthropist.

Mr Clinton's team have previously said that he cut ties with Epstein before the financier came under investigation. They have in the past said he knows nothing about Epstein's crimes.

Many of his mentions in these court filings relate to Ms Giuffre's unsuccessful attempts to make the former president testify about his relationship with Epstein, says ABC.

Who is Jeffrey Epstein?​

Epstein, a millionaire known to mix with high-profile figures like Prince Andrew, died in jail in 2019.

His death, as he awaited federal sex-trafficking charges, was ruled to be a suicide by the New York medical examiner.

He was accused of running a "vast network" of underage girls for sex. He pleaded not guilty.

A decade earlier he had been convicted of soliciting prostitution from a minor.
I don't expect anything. Unless Trump is on the list it'll be blackholed in a week. Hasselhoff
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I don't expect anything. Unless Trump is on the list it'll be blackholed in a week. Hasselhoff
I don’t think anybody will be surprised if Trump is on the list and his shit will just find a way to act away from it anyway
I expect more redactions than the JFK investigation. Also, what kind of country do we live in where people can opt out of being identified on such a list. We can be fairly sure Bill is lying, but seriously why the hell are people on that list allowed to exclude themselves from being named? I hope wikileaks does its fucking job
I expect more redactions than the JFK investigation. Also, what kind of country do we live in where people can opt out of being identified on such a list. We can be fairly sure Bill is lying, but seriously why the hell are people on that list allowed to exclude themselves from being named? I hope wikileaks does its fucking job

We live in America. Blackmail and payoffs will get rid of the trouble that follows you.
Nothing will happen. The real evidence is in the blackmail tapes that the FBI has been sitting on for years. Dicking around with flight logs and lists only keeps your attention off of other things.
Nothing will happen. The real evidence is in the blackmail tapes that the FBI has been sitting on for years. Dicking around with flight logs and lists only keeps your attention off of other things.
Which is how our government approaches everything. Keeping us distracted.
I heard both Clinton and Trump are named however nothing more specific than that they spent time with Epstein.
Of course not, and that pron that an ex found on my computer didn't get there through any fault of my own. It just showed up on its own after I did a google search and clicked a link or two. The only difference of course is that while still sleazy, the women in my searches are all adults, and are fully consenting and somewhat well paid for their scenes. A lot of the girls those two fucked there didn't want to be there, could not give consent and were children.

That is what makes Trump, Bill, and Ron Jeremy so vile. Just because of their positions they can have their choice of women who would gladly fuck them, but no they have to rape women and children.
Interesting that Jane Doe #107 wants the release pushed back to Jan. 22nd. She's concerned about personal threats to her security. Wonder who THAT is.
Of course not, and that pron that an ex found on my computer didn't get there through any fault of my own. It just showed up on its own after I did a google search and clicked a link or two. The only difference of course is that while still sleazy, the women in my searches are all adults, and are fully consenting and somewhat well paid for their scenes. A lot of the girls those two fucked there didn't want to be there, could not give consent and were children.

That is what makes Trump, Bill, and Ron Jeremy so vile. Just because of their positions they can have their choice of women who would gladly fuck them, but no they have to rape women and children.
Ron Jeremy, according to a conversation I had with Taylor Wayne at the Pan Am hotel in Queens in 1993, just before she shoved her tongue down my throat when asked how anyone fucks him, she said it;s because he's a stallion and used her arm to make a fist and tense up, representing a hard dick.

True story!
