Religion… what is the deal with that?


Well-known member
Figured a Seinfeld-esque title was appropriate.

Thoughts? Personally I don’t have time for religion. The dogmatic organized kind. By definition Imam an atheist. I do believe in a creative universal source. But not a separate entity pulling the strings. God is a tiny word to point to the unknowable infinite. If there is a creator it is the creation itself. ‘They” say, God is everything or he is nothing.

Too much hatred and death come from religious belief and the differences in that belief.

I was raised catholic but my polish last name has Jewish roots… genocide caused a lot of belief changes.

I will say this about the modern Catholics, meaning after the crusades… they don’t recruit. No pamphlets, no door knocks… just signs advertising bingo.
Religion, well, here's my take.
Looking at the "big three", I find it odd that the Christians, Jews and Muslims all pray to the same God, yet there is so much hatred between them.
To the Christians, he is omnipotent, all-seeing, all-knowing, waiting to judge each of us wit the promise of a paradise we could never know on Earth
To the Jews, they are his chosen people and he has led them to their place in the world.
To the Muslims, he promises Earthly things for those who will worship him and martyr themselves for him.

Same God. Same Prophets.

Quite frankly, I think they're all wrong.
Christians are hypocrites who bend the words in the bible to fit a narrative - as I suppose they all do.
The Bible said God gave us free will, but Christians believe God interferes in their lives. Which, to me violates free will.

The Bible says Jesus died for our sins and we are redeemed. So why do we feel the need to beg for forgiveness that we've already been given?

Frankly, I think God, however you want to define God, has very little to do with our lives.
We'll reconcile our time on Earth when we die.

However that works.
I'm pretty sure we build our own Heaven or our own Hell while we're here. So where we end up is in our own hands.
I do believe there is an underlying latticework of energy in all things. Electrons are electrons whether they are in a molecule in my brain or in the plastic making up my iPad case. It’s all energy. I in my meat suit on a rock hurling around a sun that is in a galaxy with billions of other suns hurling around a black hole in the center hurling outward as the universe expands… even this far out… you can smell what Spiked are yesterday.

I don’t pray for things… I just connect. I’m a meditator and I have enjoyed my share of psychedelic substances… life is cool if you float… it’s going against the current that is the problem… Free will allows me to avoid the rock up ahead.
I don’t pray for things… I just connect. I’m a meditator and I have enjoyed my share of psychedelic substances… life is cool if you float… it’s going against the current that is the problem… Free will allows me to avoid the rock up ahead.
I'm with you on this and have had conscious out-of-body experiences, for one thing - which convinced me that Death is only the end of our physical bodies. I used to say, so many humans claim to be having a spiritual experience, but I say we are Spiritual Beings who are having a Human experience