Remembering Things Past

Well before my time, remember the metal shoe measurerers. You'd put your socked foot in there and they pushed some sort of slide rule type device
There was a motorized version. You put foot in and metal squares closed down on your door side to side then front to back displaying the needed shoe size.
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Anyone know what this is? I used it once with my mom when buying shoes. It is a fluoroscopy shoe sizer. You would peer into those black scopes and see a live extant of your toes in the shoes you were trying on.

Way cool until they realized the dangers of radiating the general public in a department store. They were quickly removed.
It seems to me that I’ve used this, but I have no specific memory of being on one. I know I saw them in shoe/dept. stores, and it looks like they phased them out in the ‘70s.

That inspired me to remember these in dept stores, Western Autos, Radio Shacks, etc……

Who remembers Romper Room? You know the children's show with the woman with the magic mirror who said see Billy, I see Gibby, I see Sukie (sukie stop playing with your dinger. . . )

No? How about the Elephant Show?

How about Astroboy?

What about You Can't Do that on Television (SNL for Children?)

What about SCTV? SNL for Canadians, and in some ways even more hilarious

Who remembers In Search of with Leonard Nimoy?

How about the Bullwinkle Show? What about the Bullwinkle Puppet?
Who wore a WWJD bracelet or knew someone who did? If you wore one when did you realize you were a douche (I realized I was in 1998), and if you didn't when did you realize that people who did were unlikable assholes?

Anyone remember the 80s and 90s when we reached peak evangelical Christianity and yet if you were in those circles you could have sworn that white straight Christian middle class American men were the most persecuted people on the planet? You know the days? When 84% of the nation claimed to be a Christian of some sort? They didn't live it, but they claimed it

Who remembers the faith healers and televangelists of the 80s and 90s? Who was your favorite scumbag. To me it will always be Peter Popoff, the man who spoke to God, who sounded exactly like Petey's wife, at 19.7 megahertz. Remember Jimmy Swaggart? He's still on the air. Then there was Oral Roberts, the only man to ever gain weight on a hunger strike. Benny Hinn of course. Jim and Tammy Faye Baker, my God what the fuck was in her mascara? Then there was Bob Tilton, but about Brother Bob, well any of them, do you think they really believed what they said they did, did they just turn evil at some point or were they always scumbags. . . .

Who remembers the Moonies? No not, PMoon6, but the unification church. I did a spring break trip with friends to Boulder, CO in 2004 and stayed at the house that used to belong to them. Close circuit tvs everywhere and just all in all very creepy.

Note: I am not bashing Christians here, I still am one, I am just remembering a time from the 80s and 90s when this country was extremely evangelical Christians.
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Anyone know what this is? I used it once with my mom when buying shoes. It is a fluoroscopy shoe sizer. You would peer into those black scopes and see a live extant of your toes in the shoes you were trying on.

Way cool until they realized the dangers of radiating the general public in a department store. They were quickly removed.
Never heard of it!
Act McCrory’s at Summit Mall.

Loved the Careless navigator at Eastern Hills. There also was that store with the airliner entryway and the sponge rubber flooring.
Roller skating rinks. We had Skate USA on NFBoulevard
It was just called USA. I was a major regular there and very well known. One of the "popular kids". I was there every weekend, every All-night Skate. All of it. I was just recently telling my GF about USA and how awesome it was, especially after the remodel, when they added the dance floor/juice bar in the middle. One of those "Best Time's of My Life".

The one at Thruway Mall was nothing like the one on the Blvd.
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Act McCrory’s at Summit Mall.

Loved the Careless navigator at Eastern Hills. There also was that store with the airliner entryway and the sponge rubber flooring.
Heh! My mom's boyfriend, Joe Parente owned the Careless Navigator. We used to go there every Friday night and my brother and I would run around the mall after it closed. We got stuck there during the Blizzard of '77, actually. I loved that place. His son, Joe Jr caught the Tiger Shark that was mounted over the bar in Florida.

Joe died in 2003 :(

That store was named Airport

And then, Cavages!!
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I think this was for 12 years old or younger boys getting a letter in the mail addressed to "Master Tom Smith"...
They always had the best cup of coffee... wish they were still around.
My friends and I used to ride our bikes to the one on NF Blvd., sitting at the counter like big shots
And welcome to the forum!
My friends and I used to ride our bikes to the one on NF Blvd., sitting at the counter like big shots
And welcome to the forum!
Thanks... we had one in Lancaster but I've been to others, one in Buffalo, can't remember exactly which one.. but gangsters usually took up the back part of it.

Are you the HipKat from the BBMB who had a stick man avatar that freaked out every 3 seconds or so?
Thanks... we had one in Lancaster but I've been to others, one in Buffalo, can't remember exactly which one.. but gangsters usually took up the back part of it.

Are you the HipKat from the BBMB who had a stick man avatar that freaked out every 3 seconds or so?
Yes!! That was me!
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