Space X Go Boom

Funny and ironic, but sad since this is one thing he does I truly believe in. Spreading human life to other parts of the galaxy is the only way to extend our existence beyond the ability of Earth to support us
Funny and ironic, but sad since this is one thing he does I truly believe in. Spreading human life to other parts of the galaxy is the only way to extend our existence beyond the ability of Earth to support us
What if we came from another planet? Or panspermia brought life here.
I do like the phrase that is used instead of “fucking exploded”… “sudden unplanned disassembly “ or something like that
Funny and ironic, but sad since this is one thing he does I truly believe in. Spreading human life to other parts of the galaxy is the only way to extend our existence beyond the ability of Earth to support us
Also, I can laugh at Musk because I view him as more of a shameless self promoter than a backer of space travel. For more on that check out ThunderF00t's youtube channel. Musk is a front man who knows how to get people to give him money, but nothing he is doing is really practical or innovative regarding space technology. So I can laugh when I see his shit blow up and I do, and also say that if we must have a new cold war then hopefully we can have the success of the last time. Last cold war we put men and women into orbit, we walked in space, we manuevered in space, we sent manned missions to the moon, yes for some of you younger dumbasses we actually did go to the moon, We sent probes to every planet in the Solar System from Mercury to Neptune. Maybe this Cold War we can return to the Moon and go to Mars, and dream of dreams maybe something like Breakthrough Starshot can get us to the several star systems that -should we ever get the technology right - could go to the planets that are in the nearest star systems that would allow us to get up close and personal with those planets in less than a life time. There are very real projects in the work on these and I would love for a significant part of the national budget to be applied to developing the technology for these missions.
I do now. I never used to, but this is not the same Elon Musk that I first watched on a Rogan podcast five years ago.
That depends on how you look at it. I think he's always been the same man, but he was biding his time. The man, like all billionaires, wants power. Billionaires rarely make that much money by being good citizens. I think he lost his soul long ago, but you've only noticed it recently because in his current position you have to take notice.
What if we came from another planet? Or panspermia brought life here.
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1. Its possible, heck its even plausibl
2. I hated that show. If Europeans built something then it was Europe. If Brown people built something, "aliens."

Speaking of popular shows, what was the name of the film where we sent astronauts to Mars and they discover that life on earth came from Mars?
and ironic, but sad since this one thing he does I truly believe in. Spreading human life to other parts of the galaxy is the only way to extend our existence beyond the ability of Earth to support us
I’m not convinced we should propagate to other parts of the universe.


To spread our particular human version of love/hate?

The universe doesn’t need more humans in more places. Not until we figure out how to get along.

Klaatu tried to tell us in 1951, the universe doesn’t want us yet….

I’m not convinced we should propagate to other parts of the universe.


To spread our particular human version of love/hate?

The universe doesn’t need more humans in more places. Not until we figure out how to get along.

Klaatu tried to tell us in 1951, the universe doesn’t want us yet….

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Well there's sort of a wall on the edges of our solar system, the Oort cloud goes on for more than a light year and the particulate matter needed to travel at near light speeds might keep us all trapped.
Is this a trick question?

Of course it’s the Tesla stock tanking. I think this is just the start…..
The explosion was fairly large and quick… and the SpaceX upper stage unplanned disassembly was also quite quick, not really a trick question but in Totality… TSLA is still on fire and losing chunks