2024 like 2016 was an optics driven campaign. Trump likes being a bully and so does Vance. So if you want to beat Vance in 2028, you get the most rabid and meanest pitbull of a candidate you can. Vance will go low, so you go lower.
Also, have a platform, here's a winner.
Campaign finance reform. Admit that this is a bipartisan problem, but you are actually going to do something about it and list succinctly 3 to 5 measures you intend to
A Second New Deal: healthcare, affordable housing, education, manufacturing jobs and infrastructure. Bank reform, save social security
Fair and comprehensive immigration reform and border security
Work towards the establishment of lasting and just peace in Southwestern Asia and Eastern Europe and work towards nuclear disarmament.
Platform + Pitbull is the way to go. They talk policy you talk a better policy. They go low, you go lower