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It was pretty neat, and per Neil DeGrasse Tyson it had some pretty good science. Sure there was some stuff that was pure fantasy but on the whole it kept my attention for 3 hours, had a beautiful score, and made a snowed in evening very enioyable. I would give it a 4 out of 5.
It was pretty neat, and per Neil DeGrasse Tyson it had some pretty good science. Sure there was some stuff that was pure fantasy but on the whole it kept my attention for 3 hours, had a beautiful score, and made a snowed in evening very enioyable. I would give it a 4 out of 5.
I thought it had a very dream-like feel to it, too. Much like What Dreams May Come did
Goodrich on HBO Max

Michael Keaton movie. Very good

Goodrich on HBO Max

man learns wife went into 90 day rehab and he’s left dealing with kids and the aftermath

Honestly, while I appreciated where they were trying to go with it, and what they were trying to do, it wasn't my favorite. Sure, there were some nice explanations about why all T-800 terminators look like Ahnuld and we have John Connor meeting Kyle Reece, but yeah it was disappointing. With the last two of these films to go

Terminator 2 is the best
The Terminator is my favorite (it just has the best story, and while the effects are so very 1980s they were mostly well done
Terminator 3 is okay

Terminator 4 just feels like they were out to get more money.
I wonder how I will feel about the final two in the collection

This was done SO much better than I expected.

The acting was phenomenal!

The scenes that were intense were VERY intense, which is not how big budget Hollywood horror movies usually go