Well-known member
JustasportsfanWho's that? Awful won't last here
I once talked to Tom about him, and he said in person, he was the coolest, nicest dude. Great family. That was a long time ago and recent discussions had Tom kinda conceding that yeah, he went off the deep end and it's just a hatefilled, angry guy.
His whole rhetoric is "triggering" people by saying transphobic, homophobic, and even racist things. And when people call him out, or he's disciplined over it, he mocks the people for being "snowflakes" and running to the mods.
He once got a lengthy ban because in a discussion about trans people and bathrooms, he asked if I would be fine with my toddler daughter in a bathroom with a trans person, and when I said yes, he said I was putting my daughter at risk and that when she gets sexually assaulted by a trans pervert, he hopes my virtue signaling would be worth it.
Admin saw that and was like, oh, fuck no. And last time I was there, he was mocking me over it and how soft the admins were for his "genuine" concern about my parenting.
Fuck that guy.
Also, as for Theo, my wife took her to a drag queen story time yesterday and she loved it. Made my heart happy