Blue Cross Blue Shield: "We Would Like a New CEO Too, Please"

Back to a story tangetical to the original post, I am feeling rather self righteous and assholish, as such anyone know where we can chip in to this guy's defense funds? He shouldn't be in prison he should receive the applause of a grateful nation. Yeah, I'm a terrible person but. . . .
Back to a story tangetical to the original post, I am feeling rather self righteous and assholish, as such anyone know where we can chip in to this guy's defense funds? He shouldn't be in prison he should receive the applause of a grateful nation. Yeah, I'm a terrible person but. . . .

Might open you up to RICO charges, based on how they handled donations to the Stop Cop City protesters' defense fund.

We're probably just better off getting the word out on jury nullification.
Okay, so raising money to get him an all star defense team is rico. Well that sucks. Would petitioning Biden for a presidential pardon for the guy violate any laws? I mean it would do a lot for his legacy