Trump Condemns Trans Prisoners to Death

Trump restores single-sex prisons, sending male inmates who identify as women back to men’s facilities​

President Donald Trump has reinstated single-sex prison policies, resulting in the transfer of male inmates who identify as women back to male facilities.

According to a report by the New York Times, approximately 1,500 male federal prisoners identifying as women will be redirected to men’s facilities following President Trump’s executive order aimed at establishing single-sex prisons.

This executive order, titled “Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government,” also terminates transgender-related medical procedures for incarcerated individuals.

The Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), a feminist organization advocating for single-sex prison systems and raising awareness regarding the vulnerability of incarcerated women to male violence,

has characterized President Trump’s decision as a significant victory. Currently, WoLF is actively engaged in efforts to challenge California legislation that permits inmates to request placement in facilities based on their gender identity rather than their biological sex.

Mr. Trump’s directive aligns with assertions that efforts to eliminate the biological reality of sex fundamentally undermine the dignity, safety, and well-being of women.

Advocates representing transgender individuals and inmates have criticized this order, asserting that it will place vulnerable populations at an increased risk of harm.

Shannon Minter, legal director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, which has advocated for transgender prisoners, stated, “There will be rapes and physical assaults as a result of this policy.”

She further noted the adverse impact on prison officials, who currently possess the discretion to determine the most appropriate measures for ensuring the safety and security of their facilities.

Legal experts have indicated that this directive is likely to face challenges in the judicial system.

Federal courts have established that prison systems have an obligation to protect vulnerable inmates and have also ruled that they must provide medical care,

including hormone therapies, to individuals diagnosed with gender dysphoria—the psychological distress arising from a dissonance between one’s physical body and gender identity.

In 2022, a federal district judge in Illinois mandated that the bureau provide gender-transition surgery to a transgender inmate, concluding that the denial of such treatment likely constituted a violation of the Eighth Amendment, which ensures the right to necessary medical care.
No they don't. They decide whether or not to transition socially/medically, but they are trans either way.
This is where we will never see Ida eye. Trans. People make a conscious decision to transition based on an irrational belief that they’re not who they were born as.
Well, I had in the past believed that there was no genetic evidence for anybody being trans, I know better now that there are in rare cases, and in those cases, I don’t include them in that opinion.
However, in most cases, there is no genetic predisposition for transitioning. It is a conscious decision that is rooted in a long list of potential influences, but in the end, it is a decision made.
That doesn’t change what I said above. Gender dysphoria is not a physical condition. It’s a mental condition. It’s a mental belief that they are not who they were born to be.
This is where we will never see Ida eye. Trans. People make a conscious decision to transition based on an irrational belief that they’re not who they were born as.
Well, I had in the past believed that there was no genetic evidence for anybody being trans, I know better now that there are in rare cases, and in those cases, I don’t include them in that opinion.
However, in most cases, there is no genetic predisposition for transitioning. It is a conscious decision that is rooted in a long list of potential influences, but in the end, it is a decision made.
Transitioning isn't what makes them trans. Their gender identity does. That's not something they choose.

If your gender identity is "across from" (the English translation of the Latin "trans") the sex you were assigned at birth, you are trans. That's how it works.
That doesn’t change what I said above. Gender dysphoria is not a physical condition. It’s a mental condition. It’s a mental belief that they are not who they were born to be.
Nope. You're confusing dysphoria and dysmorphia.

Dysmorphia is when you see something differently from how it actually is.

Dysphoria is clinically significant mental distress. There's no "delusion" or anything like that involved. It's literally just distress.

I've told you a million times. You can be trans without having gender dysphoria. It's possible to have a mismatch between your sex and gender identity without that mismatch causing distress.
So the mental distressing part is the personal gender identity in that individual. So the only remedy is to forget the mental distress part and focus on the physical sexual part?
Nope. You're confusing dysphoria and dysmorphia.

Dysmorphia is when you see something differently from how it actually is.

Dysphoria is clinically significant mental distress. There's no "delusion" or anything like that involved. It's literally just distress.

I've told you a million times. You can be trans without having gender dysphoria. It's possible to have a mismatch between your sex and gender identity without that mismatch causing distress.
Right, Mental Distress, aka illness
Right, Mental Distress, aka illness
Nope. Mental illnesses are associated with something actually being neurologically/neurochemically abnormal. Clinical Depression, for example, is indicative of a serotonin deficiency.

Prolonged dysphoria can CAUSE mental illness, but it is not in and of itself a mental illness.
Sorry mentally vs mental
This didn't help even a little bit.

Try to educate yourself instead of being spoonfed information I know you won't listen to, then come back if you still have questions. I'm done engaging with you on this subject until then.
Nope. Mental illnesses are associated with something actually being neurologically/neurochemically abnormal. Clinical Depression, for example, is indicative of a serotonin deficiency.

Prolonged dysphoria can CAUSE mental illness, but it is not in and of itself a mental illness.
I'm sorry but mental illness is not always a biological thing thing. It's not always affected by a chemical "imbalance". But look, this debate can go back and forth forever. You will never get me to drastically change my stance, nor I yours.
I'm sorry but mental illness is not always a biological thing thing. It's not always affected by a chemical "imbalance". But look, this debate can go back and forth forever. You will never get me to drastically change my stance, nor I yours.
You won't get me to change my stance because mine is objectively and empirically correct. If I can't get you to change yours, then you're a stupid fucking bigot.

This isn't an "agree to disagree" thing. It's you being a piece of shit and me being right.

If I were you, I'd try to prove I'm not a piece of shit.
I'm sorry but mental illness is not always a biological thing
Yes it is. I think what you mean is it's not always GENETIC, not always something you're BORN with. And this is true. But it IS always biological. Everything about you is biological. Your favorite flavor of ice cream is biological! Your favorite band is biological!

Let me try to explain dysphoria vs mental illness in different terms. I don't know if you're at all familiar with D&D or other RPG games, but in D&D there's a thing you can get inflicted with known as "Levels of Exhaustion". If you have a level of exhaustion, it can make it so you have certain debuffs. For example, it can make it so you have disadvantage on all your saving throws. That is, when something is going to happen to you from an external source, you roll to try to avoid it and if you roll high enough you avoid it. With disadvantage, you have to roll twice and take the lower of the two rolls. So it's harder to avoid the thing.

Think of mental illness like that.

There are also things known as 'status effects'. In Pokemon, for example, you could be paralyzed meaning there's a chance you don't act on your next turn. Confusion, where you may attack yourself instead. Burn, where you suffer DoT (damage over like say you take 5 points of fire damage every turn).

Think of dysphoria as a status effect that causes psychological damage over time, where if you sustain enough of it it can CAUSE you to take on a level of exhaustion.

Dysphoria is not itself a mental illness, but if left untreated it is known to CAUSE mental illness.

That's all dysphoria, not just gender dysphoria. You can feel dysphoric about any number of things. If you're stuck in a dead-end job that you fucking hate, the distress you feel over that can be considered dysphoria. If you're a single mom constantly worrying about how you're going to make rent and put food on the table, that can be considered dysphoria.

Gender dysphoria is when you feel that distress over some sort of mismatch between your gender identity and your phenotypical sex characteristics. And here's a really important piece you don't seem to grasp: it is not exclusive to trans people. CIS PEOPLE CAN ALSO EXPERIENCE GENDER DYSPHORIA.

If you're a cisgender man in your 50s and you constantly feel bad about hair loss, that's gender dysphoria. The reason you would get hair plugs or do Just For Men or whatever is to alleviate the dysphoria. That's gender-affirming care.

Say you're a cisgender woman and you grow facial hair faster than other women you know. They maybe have to shave their mustache every few weeks or months because it starts to get noticeable if they don't, but you have to do it twice a week. Even if nobody else ever knows this about you, it can cause you internal distress because you feel less feminine. That's gender dysphoria. Maybe you eventually decide to try laser hair removal. That's gender-affirming care.

You focus too much on 'gender dysphoria' as the thing that makes someone trans. It isn't. The only thing that makes them trans is that their gender identity is not aligned with the sex they were assigned at birth, and that's not a "delusion" or a "mental illness". It's just how they're wired.

You gender identity is biological in the same sense that your favorite ice cream or favorite band is biological. Gender isn't naturally-occurring. Ice cream isn't naturally occurring. Bands are not naturally-occurring. But you are hard-wired to resonate with some more than others. Your neurons fire differently when you eat chocolate, or strawberry, or mint chocolate chip. They fire differently when you hear the Beatles or Aerosmith or KobackwardsRn. That's essentially how our brains interact with gender, too.
While we’re at it…..

Let’s let biological men pretend to be women to play in woman’s sports?

Oh wait, never mind.
While we’re at it…..

Let’s let biological men pretend to be women to play in woman’s sports?

Oh wait, never mind.
There's no such thing as a biological man or a biological woman. Man and woman are gendered terms.

Males PRETENDING to be women should not be allowed to play in women's sports. Trans women, however, are not pretending. So they should be allowed.
You won't get me to change my stance because mine is objectively and empirically correct. If I can't get you to change yours, then you're a stupid fucking bigot.

This isn't an "agree to disagree" thing. It's you being a piece of shit and me being right.

If I were you, I'd try to prove I'm not a piece of shit.
Oh, I’m not trying to agree to disagree. I’m telling you we’re just never going to agree. You can tell me how right you are and how wrong I am until you’re blue in the face. I will never accept it just like you will never accept when I tell you how wrong you are. It’s a many worded way of saying that this is stupid to keep going back-and-forth.
Oh, I’m not trying to agree to disagree. I’m telling you we’re just never going to agree. You can tell me how right you are and how wrong I am until you’re blue in the face. I will never accept it just like you will never accept when I tell you how wrong you are. It’s a many worded way of saying that this is stupid to keep going back-and-forth.
But you're not telling me I'm wrong. That's the difference here.

All you're doing is saying "I will not be changing my mind so it's pointless to talk about this". I also don't expect my mind to change, but it's because I have reality on my side. So I am going to continue to try to change your mind because I understand that it's important for you to change your mind. The future of humanity depends on people like you changing their minds.

Trans people are the "first they came for..." under Trump. Educated people know what happens if we don't stop it here. If you don't change your mind, you won't try to stop it until he goes after a group you don't want dead and by then it'll be too late.