Covid. The people have spoken

He's his own victim of confirmation bias, refusing to look at anything that contradicts his conspiracy theories
Lololol confirmation bias, my ass.
Fauci is straight on tape admitting he lied , using pointless word salad.
You're admitting you worship authority.

Confirmation bias? Are you fucking kidding? There's no fucking proof the shots did anything positive.
There's plenty of proof they made up masks doing anything at all positive.
They made people fear the public.
It has nothing to do with helping you.
They destroyed the mass psychology of the public. They did nothing to help mankind.

They blatantly threatened anyone who didn't get the shot.
The president straight up vilified those who didn't obey.
Confirmation bias my mother ducking ass
Lololol confirmation bias, my ass.
Fauci is straight on tape admitting he lied , using pointless word salad.
Confirmation bias? Are you fucking kidding? There's no fucking proof the shots did anything positive.
Already proven and now we have THREE YEARS of lab and field testing so your tired bullshit is invalid.
There's plenty of proof they made up masks doing anything at all positive.
They made people fear the public.
It has nothing to do with helping you.
They destroyed the mass psychology of the public. They did nothing to help mankind.
Agreed on masks doing nothing but I assume they went with the best they could come up with at the time

They blatantly threatened anyone who didn't get the shot.
The president straight up vilified those who didn't obey.
Confirmation bias my mother ducking ass
I have a LOT of friends who, against my advice, never got the vaccines at all. Not ONE was forced to or threatened if they didn't.
You're a liar.
Because your family didn’t contract polio that is evidence of something? The vast majority of the American citizenry has been vaccinated against polio. It’s when the vast majority ISN’T vaccinated that cases pop up and spread like herpes in a brothel.

The HPV vaccine prevents cancer. Cancer that is spread via sexual contact. What would be the motive to lie about that? Would it be better to just watch people die from cervical or all sorts of oral cancers?