Covid. The people have spoken

Facts. Here is the proof. Or you are smarter than the entire field of medicine in the USA?

And here:


There is plenty of more safety and efficacy data in the NEJM archives. Thankfully I spend my time relying on actual random, double-blinded studies rather than your guy, who wants you to drink bleach.

I am a physician and here to say, thankfully, this is not the reality. Many people are still receiving the vaccines.
It's like in 2021 after the vaccines had been out, I had a lot of customers who worked in the local medical community and I asked them all point blank - many, BTW who worked in the ICU's and COVID wards - who all said generally the same thing. Vaxxed and unvaxxed were going to the Hospitals. The Vaxxed went home, the unvaxxed didn't.
All I needed to hear.
Yeah the anti-vaxxers love to find papers posted by debunked anti-vax DR's but they ignore the articles posted that show the opposite of their dumb conspiracies
I thought you were grouping me in that “group”
Facts. Here is the proof. Or you are smarter than the entire field of medicine in the USA?

And here:


There is plenty of more safety and efficacy data in the NEJM archives. Thankfully I spend my time relying on actual random, double-blinded studies rather than your guy, who wants you to drink bleach.

I am a physician and here to say, thankfully, this is not the reality. Many people are still receiving the vaccines.
What part of the words propaganda and funded by certain parties research do you not understand?
This is not legitimate.
Explain the increase in heart issues in young people over the last 3 years. = Not safe.

Being told to get multiple shots= not effective. Simple math
No junior. We deal in facts. You should try it.
Fact is simply data you choose to believe.
I deal in truth.

I mean , come on. The entire vac campaign was full of holes.

A piece of cloth on your face doesn't protect from a virus.
Saying I need to get a shot or the shot you got won't work.
If you need to be threatened and coerced to get something, then it's a lie.
OVER THREE BILLION PEOPLE have gotten vaccinated. Probably close to 4 Billion by now.
You cherry-pick adverse reactions and pretend other people who have natural maladies are all the fault of the vaccines.
A fucking 1st grader is smarter.

And many people are still getting them
You can't prove that number no matter how hard you try.
Lol at cherry pick adverse reactions.
I proved most vacs in general are bogus with a story of a friend who had to relearn to Walk after different vacs.
That means it's happening to countless others.

Cherry pick? Nothing's safe and effective if it destroys the health /life of any number of people.
Unless it's 100 percent clean, it's not safe or effective. Are you saying govt and media have never suppressed the voices of opposition? You're saying this is the one time govt decided to be honest?

I'll say it again. Fauci was questioned and didn't give a single straight answer. That's called lying
That's all there is to it.
What part of the words propaganda and funded by certain parties research do you not understand?
This is not legitimate.
Explain the increase in heart issues in young people over the last 3 years. = Not safe.

Being told to get multiple shots= not effective. Simple math
What part of Physician - which you are NOT don't YOU understand??
Over 270 MILLION Americans.

I just checked, over 5.5 BILLION globally in over 3 years. How many bLoOd CLoTs and people dying FROM the vaccine, not sometime in the future after they had been vaccinated.

On the masks, we agree
What part of Physician - which you are NOT don't YOU understand??
Over 270 MILLION Americans.

I just checked, over 5.5 BILLION globally in over 3 years. How many bLoOd CLoTs and people dying FROM the vaccine, not sometime in the future after they had been vaccinated.

On the masks, we agree
You keep saying things that are pure conjecture. 270 million of what? Google is only going to show you pro govt propaganda.
Lol at the stupid ass - I'm not a physician - argument.
Plenty of doctors openly disagree with the govt mandates

You're saying -obey physicians no matter what. When they got paid for the amount of injections.

Youre fighting a battle you lost long ago.

Oh....we agree on masks lol
You keep saying things that are pure conjecture. 270 million of what? Google is only going to show you pro govt propaganda.
Lol at the stupid ass - I'm not a physician - argument.
Plenty of doctors openly disagree with the govt mandates

You're saying -obey physicians no matter what. When they got paid for the amount of injections.

Youre fighting a battle you lost long ago.

Oh....we agree on masks lol

In all due respect, as much as this issue was interesting when it was relevant and topical a couple of years ago, at this point in time you just look like a one issue fanatical RETARD.

Please FUCK OFF.
In all due respect, as much as this issue was interesting when it was relevant and topical a couple of years ago, at this point in time you just look like a one issue fanatical RETARD.

Please FUCK OFF.
You aren't a mature adult.
Not relevant? They just found out how fucking stupid people are and they'll eat away at us again soon
You keep saying things that are pure conjecture. 270 million of what? Google is only going to show you pro govt propaganda.
Lol at the stupid ass - I'm not a physician - argument.
Plenty of doctors openly disagree with the govt mandates

You're saying -obey physicians no matter what. When they got paid for the amount of injections.

Youre fighting a battle you lost long ago.

Oh....we agree on masks lol
You're beating a dead horse that only a few people on the fringe like you think is still relevant
Physicians got paid per vaccination? Interesting since none of my vaccinations were at a doctor’s office . Most after first 2 were at my local grocery store which has a pharmacist.
You're beating a dead horse that only a few people on the fringe like you think is still relevant
Lol at fringe. They are the majority. But media/internet wants you to believe otherwise.
Fringe? Are you fucking kidding? The vast majority want nothing to do with any covid vac..
And a large portion of that are peoopy who got once and had issues or got sick.
They realized it was a waste of time.
Physicians got paid per vaccination? Interesting since none of my vaccinations were at a doctor’s office . Most after first 2 were at my local grocery store which has a pharmacist.
Pointless rhetoric. Doctirs do get more money for pumping out drugs.
Someone got paid big bucks no matter where you got it. Obviously the drug companies wouldn't be making and distributing it if they weren't getting big money. Which you can't argue.
Why else would Gates be involved.
Lol at fringe. They are the majority. But media/internet wants you to believe otherwise.
Fringe? Are you fucking kidding? The vast majority want nothing to do with any covid vac..
And a large portion of that are peoopy who got once and had issues or got sick.
They realized it was a waste of time.
You have NO EVIDENCE that this is true.
Where are the sources?