Covid. The people have spoken

Ocean surface temperature average has increased .14F per decade… 1.4 F per century. It’s not CO 2

Scientists all agreed that the earth was flat at one time. They all agreed that Earth was center of the universe. That statement means nothing since there are scientists that don’t agree that CO2 increased by fossil feuls is catastrophic.

Remember we are talking 1.5 degrees has occurred since 1880. That is estimated global average.

Again. Once 1 thing in a hypothesis or theory is wrong the whole theory is wrong. That is science. Einstein said it. It takes just 1 person to prove relativity wrong.

Sea level steady 2.9 mm per year at battery park. Dubai real estate at sea level is off the charts . If it was gonna be gone in 20 years there would be no financing.

The IPCC should be required reading by journalists before the next climate change caused wild fire or hurricane article conmen out.
By the way… for the record.

I am a registered republican. Voted Hillary and Biden. I believe in a woman’s right to choose and that people choosing to not vaccinate children over autism is dangerous and stupid. They should be slapped… hard. Or home school.

I don’t believe the EPA should mandate consumer choice in the vehicles we drive, our lawn equipment cooking and heating appliances and yes even water pressure (I drill the restrictors in my shower heads.. not worth bitching about.)

Healthcare? Everyone should be on a Medicare for all model but also have higher premiums until retirement age.

Don’t know what that above box is

i think Supreme Court should be 8 year limit or maybe 10 not sure length but not lifetime. I think president should be allowed more than 2 terms but after 2 each subsequent term cannot be consecutive… gets rid of total lame duck issues.

Don’t start me on pronouns… too old for that crap
How does increased CO2 cause an increase in atmospheric temperature?

There should be a scientific formula since the science is settled.

Does man cause warming? Sure. Urban heat island.

Why does the desert get so cold at night with all that CO2?

Where are all the underwater island nations?
They are basically all at sea level.

Polar bears thriving and Australia reported this week that the Barrier Reef is better than ever.

Excess CO2 impedes heat escaping into the atmosphere, hence the term Green House effect
The desert doesn't go cold every night. Trust me, I spent a lot of time in it in the Army but that's like asking why is it much cooler in the shade than in the sun?

Man isn't causing warming but helping to accelerate it

Really, you can find these answers, it's not hard
By the way… for the record.

I am a registered republican. Voted Hillary and Biden. I believe in a woman’s right to choose and that people choosing to not vaccinate children over autism is dangerous and stupid. They should be slapped… hard. Or home school.

I don’t believe the EPA should mandate consumer choice in the vehicles we drive, our lawn equipment cooking and heating appliances and yes even water pressure (I drill the restrictors in my shower heads.. not worth bitching about.)

Don’t know what that above box is

i think Supreme Court should be 8 year limit or maybe 10 not sure length but not lifetime. I think president should be allowed more than 2 terms but after 2 each subsequent term cannot be consecutive… gets rid of total lame duck issues.

Don’t start me on pronouns… too old for that crap
Lifelong Republican turned unaffiliated in 2020.
How's this for a voting record;
Excess CO2 impedes heat escaping into the atmosphere, hence the term Green House effect
The desert doesn't go cold every night. Trust me, I spent a lot of time in it in the Army but that's like asking why is it much cooler in the shade than in the sun?

Man isn't causing warming but helping to accelerate it

Really, you can find these answers, it's not hard
CO2 is 40 people in a 100k seat stadium.

If warming is accelerating then Sea level rise would be accelerating…
I watched this Nova program a few months ago. Pilots were noticing bubbles coming up in a Russian lake, it was methane that was coming from the permafrost, as it melts and becomes exposed to air for the first time in many years.

Is it tied to localized warming trends, or an overall planet warming? It’s interesting, whatever is causing it.

New name for lake: Whofartedskoy..😊

Methane isn’t an issue.

It is measured in parts per billion and is completely overwhelmed by water vapor as far as UV spectrum goes.
CO2 is 40 people in a 100k seat stadium.

If warming is accelerating then Sea level rise would be accelerating…
It is

Is sea level rising?

Yes, sea level is rising at an increasing rate

All these pointless micro arguments.
The question is- did govt actually try to help the public while this went on?
The correct and only answer is -no.

Everything negative that happened was entirely intended by govt.
They didn't try to save or help anyone.
Is it the governments job to save people? Doctors and hospitals do that. The government forced insurers to cover people hospitalized for 3 years. No copays.
Is it the governments job to save people? Doctors and hospitals do that. The government forced insurers to cover people hospitalized for 3 years. No copays.
Um, govt dictated to hospitals what their purpose was and they obeyed.

It didn't help anyone.
In what capacity? The vac was both useless and harmful. Masks were simply a complete fiction about helping keep people safe. 6 feet apart was just because I hey enjoyed treating you like a trained monkey.

What you'll pull stats from some bias corporate entities?
Wrong where?
Both the vac and virus killed people and that was its intention.
Fauchi has done nothing but back pedal in hearings.
Make up.your mind. One day youre supporting tyrant. The next day you say you didn't.
This is abjectly wrong. The vaccines are proven useful, effective and very safe. The mRNA technology is so successful it has spun off a new to market vaccine for RSV that hit the market with amazing speed. More to come. The deniers are purely unintelligent people who usually watch FOX News, they who are a lie a minute. I am a physician with education in viral disease and only pull statistics from the CDC, NEJM and other credible, unbiased sources. The data is powerful.

Google a photo of the bible of internal medicine. It's called Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Look at the contributors. Dr. Fauci has been one of the primary contributors, educator of all physicians in the USA, since 1986 or 1987 IIRC. It's the book every physician goes to to treat every adult in our country.


Medical achievements​

President Bill Clinton visits the NIH in 1995 and hears about the latest advances in HIV/AIDS research from Fauci.
Fauci has made important scientific observations that contributed to the understanding of the regulation of the human immune response and is recognized for delineating the mechanisms whereby immunosuppressive agents adapt to that response. He developed therapies for formerly fatal diseases such as polyarteritis nodosa, granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and lymphomatoid granulomatosis. In a 1985 Stanford University Arthritis Center Survey, members of the American Rheumatism Association ranked Fauci's work on the treatment of polyarteritis nodosa and granulomatosis with polyangiitis as one of the most important advances in patient management in rheumatology over the previous 20 years.[29][30][31]

Fauci discovered how to re-dose cancer drugs in a way that turned a 98 percent mortality rate of the disorder vasculitis into a 93 percent remission rate.[15]

Fauci has contributed to the understanding of how HIV destroys the body's natural defense system, progressing to AIDS. He has outlined the mechanisms of induction of HIV expression by endogenous cytokines.[31] Fauci has worked to develop strategies for the therapy and immune reconstitution of patients with the disease, as well as for a vaccine to prevent HIV infection. His current[as of?] research is concentrated on identifying the nature of the immunopathogenic mechanisms of HIV infection and the scope of the body's immune responses to HIV.

In 2003, the Institute for Scientific Information stated that from 1983 to 2002, "Fauci was the 13th most-cited scientist among the 2.5 to 3.0 million authors in all disciplines throughout the world who published articles in scientific journals."[7] As a government scientist under seven presidents, Fauci has been described as "a consistent spokesperson for science, a person who more than any other figure has brokered a generational peace" between the two worlds of science and politics.[22]

HIV/AIDS epidemic​

Fauci in 1984.

Fauci as NIAID Director in 2007.
In a 2020 interview with The Guardian, Fauci remarked, "My career and my identity has really been defined by HIV."[32] He was one of the leading researchers during the AIDS epidemic in the early 1980s.[33] In 1981, he and his team of researchers began looking for a vaccine or treatment for this novel virus, though they would meet a number of obstacles.[34] In October 1988, protesters came to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Fauci, who had become the institute's director in 1984, bore the brunt of the anger from the LGBTQ+ community who were largely ignored by the government.[35][36]

Leading AIDS activist Larry Kramer attacked Fauci relentlessly in the media.[37] He called him an "incompetent idiot" and a "pill-pushing" tool of the medical establishment. Fauci did not have control over drug approval though many people felt he was not doing enough. Fauci did make an effort in the late 1980s to reach out to the LGBTQ+ community in New York and San Francisco to find ways he and the NIAID could find a solution.[35] Fauci was also praised for engaging with AIDS advocates, and he helped to make experimental AIDS treatments more accessible.[16] Though Fauci was initially admonished for his treatment of the AIDS epidemic, his work in the community was eventually acknowledged. Kramer, who had spent years hating Fauci for his treatment of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, eventually called him "the only true and great hero" among government officials during the AIDS crisis.[38][35]
The unintelligent FOX viewers should take a few minutes and educate themselves about a man they know nothing about. He is a brilliant scientist. An empathetic physician. A dedicated health care provider. He has done more good for society than 99.9% of any of you will ever dream of doing.

COVID19 fell out of the clear blue sky on all of us. Health care providers, one and all, used their current care standards, worked many overtime and double/triple shifts to save peoples lives. And all we get are mindless morons (many who had been saved by these dedicated people) turn on them. Fauci is literally an American Hero.
This is abjectly wrong. The vaccines are proven useful, effective and very safe. The mRNA technology is so successful it has spun off a new to market vaccine for RSV that hit the market with amazing speed. More to come. The deniers are purely unintelligent people who usually watch FOX News, they who are a lie a minute. I am a physician with education in viral disease and only pull statistics from the CDC, NEJM and other credible, unbiased sources. The data is powerful.

Google a photo of the bible of internal medicine. It's called Harrison's Book of Internal Medicine. Look at the contributors. Dr. Fauci has been one of the primary contributors, educator of all physicians in the USA, since 1986 or 1987 IIRC.


The unintelligent FOX viewers should take a few minutes and educate themselves about a man they know nothing about. He is a brilliant scientist. An empathetic physician. A dedicated health care provider. He has done more good for society than 99.9% of any of you will ever dream of doing.

COVID19 fell out of the clear blue sky on all of us. Health care providers, one and all, used their current care standards, worked many overtime and double/triple shifts to save peoples lives. And all we get are mindless morons (many who had been saved by these dedicated people) turn on them. Fauci is literally an American Hero.
Wow. There’s nothing in this post that TWD agrees with.

Thin White Duke

You don't hang out at the Range, or you'd know. TWD is like a version of Uppy that lives in a trailer and listens to Megadeath on his Walkman.