Covid. The people have spoken

The government needs taxpayers. Paying big pharma to hurt them makes zero financial sense. Dead people don’t pay taxes.

The government is not an entity. It’s a collection of people paid by the remaining other people.

What would the motive be to pay big dollars to have us injected repeatedly with a harmful vaccine?
Obviously the drugs do nothing but sustain you at a minimum of function for a prolonged time. You don't thrive.
Various drugs may sort of help but don't cure.
Then they cause other issues that you are told you need other drugs for.
The government needs taxpayers. Paying big pharma to hurt them makes zero financial sense. Dead people don’t pay taxes.

The government is not an entity. It’s a collection of people paid by the remaining other people.

What would the motive be to pay big dollars to have us injected repeatedly with a harmful vaccine?
If you think that we still don't have a cure for cancer.. youre lying to yourself.

Why do politicians live so damn long?
Curing cancer would create a healthier tax paying class.
And apparently they want people submissive and fearing. You kill enough people with cancer so that's what they focus on. Instead of being healthy for longer and time to think about how govt is screwing you.
So you work in oncology? How long have you been closely working with cancer?
What's that got to do with anything?
I know right from wrong and like I said, political figures don't seem to catch disease like the public.

Over the counter vitamins are useless.
So knowing nothing about cancer qualifies a broad stroke comment about a held back cure? Mmkay.

Vitamins have nothing to do with this discussion. Totally unregulated industry

The British Royals currently have 2 cases of cancer.
Jamie Raskin finished Chemo
Diane Feinstein cancer
McCain died from cancer
Jimmy Carter fought Lymphoma

Jim Hagedorn cancer
Alcee Hastings cancer
John Lewis Cancer

This is while serving in office AND only since 2010 AND in Congress only.

So link it where politicians don’t die from cancer study.
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Curing cancer would create a healthier tax paying class.
In case you haven't figured it out, Banshee aka TWD is a high-level conspiracy theorist. Not the Q-Anon type who are mostly Right-Wing political, but just a pro-The-Government-is-Enslaving-Us and The-NFL-is-Fixed type of Conspiracy Theorist, which is partly true but he's gone full-blown Matrix.

Has good taste in music, though
Obviously the drugs do nothing but sustain you at a minimum of function for a prolonged time. You don't thrive.
Various drugs may sort of help but don't cure.
Then they cause other issues that you are told you need other drugs for.
Some of this I agree with. Drugs in Western medicine mask symptoms vs curing. With the exception of antivirals 95% success with Hepatitis C and antibiotics.

Blood thinners needed for cardiacc stent recipients… anti rejection drugs for transplant people.

But the vast majority are masks. No one is ever diagnosed being Statin deficient.
In case you haven't figured it out, Banshee aka TWD is a high-level conspiracy theorist. Not the Q-Anon type who are mostly Right-Wing political, but just a pro-The-Government-is-Enslaving-Us and The-NFL-is-Fixed type of Conspiracy Theorist, which is partly true but he's gone full-blown Matrix.

Has good taste in music, though
I don’t buy any of the climate change alarmist crap so I guess I’m a conspiracy guy in that regard. I believe in the scientific method far too much.
So knowing nothing about cancer qualifies a broad stroke comment about a held back cure? Mmkay.

Vitamins have nothing to do with this discussion. Totally unregulated industry

The British Royals currently have 2 cases of cancer.
Jamie Raskin finished Chemo
Diane Feinstein cancer
McCain died from cancer
Jimmy Carter fought Lymphoma

Jim Hagedorn cancer
Alcee Hastings cancer
John Lewis Cancer

This is while serving in office AND only since 2010 AND in Congress only.

So link it where politicians don’t die from cancer study.
Vitamins are promoted as needed and healthy,so they are part of the whole fiction promoted.

A broad stroke? 50 to 100 years of evidence that they have no intention of curing cancer for the common man.
It's obvious political figures seem to live way longer than every one else. That's blatantly suspicious.
Yes, you're cherry picking names no one has heard of. They obviously weren't key players that were intended to be kept in the forefront.
Vitamins and pharma are two vastly separate things.

You writing 50-10@ years of evidence is not evidence. Do better.

I named senators and congressmen and an ex president
Vitamins and pharma are two vastly separate things.

You writing 50-10@ years of evidence is not evidence. Do better.

I named senators and congressmen and an ex president
No, they Aren't separate at all.
A lie is a lie, is a lie.
The entire purpose is to mislead and control.
The health industry is a lie.

50-10 has nothing to do with anything.
Cancer can be cured. It's so blatantly obvious that govt lies about everything. So why would there be pockets of truth here or there?
You're saying stuff like they need to keep people alive to profit? What do you think wars are for? To keep the population controlled obviously.
And after war obviously boosts the economy when rebuilding.

And I just showed a twitter if them/govt/elite/wef, blaming inflation on over population.
What do you think covid was for? Obviously to thin the population.
Joe blow can put dried veggies in a capsule and sell it as a supplement. THAT is the difference.

This not pharm… it’s supplements that are not regulated by the FDA like all drugs are. That is the distinction I was getting at.
How can cancer be cured other than the success rates demonstrated already?

Most lymphomas have an 85% cure rate. Skin cancers are even higher.

Early stage prostate and breast cancer are also curable . Pancreatic, brain, ovarian… different story.

The key to preventing cancer is knowing fully what causes it.
How can cancer be cured other than the success rates demonstrated already?

Most lymphomas have an 85% cure rate. Skin cancers are even higher.

Early stage prostate and breast cancer are also curable . Pancreatic, brain, ovarian… different story.

The key to preventing cancer is knowing fully what causes it.
Only through their impossible, expensive ,long treatments - as they want you to believe. There's easier cheaper ways. They know what they are.
A d the fact is most everyone knows someone who passed awayof it. So those stats are ridiculous lies for false confidence
I am part of curing cancer patients all the time and the government pays for most of it through Medicare tax dollars… the profit potential for a cure would make Musk and Bezos blush.
I am part of curing cancer patients all the time and the government pays for most of it through Medicare tax dollars… the profit potential for a cure would make Musk and Bezos blush.
Talk about Stockholm syndrome.
What did we already talk about?
Govt wouldn't be all nicey nice about it his while screwing you elsewhere.
Everything they do is for their entire benefits. Not our benefit.
They aren't really trying to cure cancer for the common man. They do in fact want the population to stay at a minimal growth.

Govt invented various diseases and abortion and constant wars.
They don't give a fuck about you. Never have
I don’t buy any of the climate change alarmist crap so I guess I’m a conspiracy guy in that regard. I believe in the scientific method far too much.
Even though science agrees human input has accelerated climate change?